
Until the start of sales is left ...


An innovative decentralized token dedicated to surpass all INUs...

CAT MEGA ARMY - we created a strong movement capable of defeating all dogs, join us ...

Airdrop stage 2 launch

Join our army of cats


Initially the project was created as a meme story, however with time we have gained the support of many followers in the cat army. Thanks to all of you, we have become more than just a meme token, we have became a family.  We currently have a large array of ideas and tasks, big ambitions and we are creating something that will put an end to the superiority of dog tokens. Join our mega army of cats now and become part of our growing family.


Our ecosystem project paves the way for stable development, allowing mega army of cats to gain a significant advantage over other altcoins. The implementation of the plan for superiority over INUs, DOGE … lies not only in hyper-deflationary opportunities, but also as a phased burning  and development of fundamental ecosystem projects such as the NFT exchange, its SWAP project and support for startups in the field of blockchain and charity.  Also a few more chips that will pleasantly surprise you and provide a reward to each of our army of cats.

Road map

Lite ver.

2021 | 3-4 Qrt.

1. Planning and development of the concept.
2. Development of the site and graphic materials.
3. Development of a pre-sale service.
4. Registration of accounts in social networks.

2021 | 4 Qrt.

1. Development of smart contracts.
2. Airdrop launch.
3. Development and release of a white paper.
4. Launch of pre-sale.
5. 1st stage of marketing and advertising.

2021 | 4 Qrt. – 2022 | 1 Qrt.

1. An active advertising campaign.
2. Formation of supporters of society in social networks.
3. Launch of contests and Easter eggs.
4. Development of memes and GIFs to support the project.
5. Expanding the base of active coin holders.
6. Release of the 1-st limited edition NFT dedicated to 
Pancat Mega Army in order to support the project.

2022 | 1 – 2 Qrt.

1. Development of Pancat swap.
2. Release of the 2nd limited edition NFT dedicated to
Pancat Mega Army in order to support the project.
3. DEX listing
4. Listing CoinGecko & Coinmarketcap

2022 | 2 Qrt.

1. Testing and running Pancat swap.
2. Expansion of the listing list.
3. Increased strategic partnerships and collaboration
4. Launching a charity company.

2022 | 3 Qrt.

1. Expansion of the project ecosystem.
2. Development and launch of the NFT exchange.
3. More potential CEX listings


Start price
0.000000001 $
  • Total Supply - 500 Quadrillion
  • Block time - 2s.
  • Auto storage reward - 4%
  • Return to pool - 2% return & 1% burn
  • Total burned >50%
  • Transaction cost - 0.001$
Pre-sale only

Road map

General data

Cat Board (note: subject to change and is not guaranteed)


2021 | 3-4 Qrt.

1. Planning and development of the concept.
2. Development of the site and graphic materials.
3. Development of a pre-sale service.
4. Registration of accounts in social networks.


2021 | 4 Qrt.

1. Development of smart contracts.
2. Airdrop launch.
3. Development and release of a white paper.
4. Launch of pre-sale.
5. 1st stage of marketing and advertising.


2021 | 4 Qrt. - 2022 | 1 Qrt.

1. An active advertising campaign.
2. Formation of supporters of society in social networks.
3. Launch of contests and Easter eggs.
4. Development of memes and GIFs to support the project.
5. Expanding the base of active coin holders.
6. Release of the 1st limited edition NFT dedicated to 
Pancat Mega Army in order to support the project.


2022 | 1 - 2 Qrt.

1. Development of Pancat swap.
2. Release of the 2nd limited edition NFT dedicated to
Pancat Mega Army in order to support the project.
3. DEX listing
4. Listing CoinGecko & Coinmarketcap


2022 | 2 Qrt.

1. Testing and running Pancat swap.
2. Expansion of the listing list.
3. Increased strategic partnerships and collaboration
4. Launching a charity company.


2022 | 3 Qrt.

1. Expansion of the project ecosystem.
2. Development and launch of the NFT exchange.
3. More potential CEX listings

Superiority table



  • Total Supply
  • Block time
  • Auto storage reward
  • Return to pool
  • Total burned
  • Transaction cost


  • 500 Quadrillion
  • -2 s
  • 4%
  • 2% return & 1% burn
  • >50%
  • 0.001$


  • 1 Decillion
  • -14 s
  • 0%
  • 0%
  • 40%
  • 60$


  • 10 Trillion
  • -14 s/ -5 s
  • 0%
  • 3%
  • 15%
  • 60$/0.5$


  • 420 Quadrillion
  • -5 s
  • 3%
  • 3%
  • 37%
  • 0.5$


We do not stop developing and for this reason a face is needed for each cat in our army of cats.  Currently we got an NFT generator being developed, which allows everyone to create their own images and become a part of our army of cats family

Stay tuned for more updates!


So many cats need protection, they are abandoned and starving, no need for our good friends to roam the streets hungry and lonely. We are organizing a support and assistance fund for shelters to provide quality support for cats in difficult situations. We are also developing cooperation with clinics as part of the formation of the PANCAT COIN eco-system.

How to add token tutorial


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Partnership & Collaboration


Zoo clinics, foundations, animal shelters, zoo shops. Those wishing to cooperate with us and accept our token in the form of payment, please contact us.


In our army, every cat has a place. If you think that you are able to make our project better, then we are waiting for you, contact us.


Do you have a lots of ideas and think about them every day? - we are the same. Crypto & cat enthusiasts. Contact us today and we will consider each idea and create a unique project together.


We all love animals, we welcome everyone who wants to help them. We are ready to provide all-round support in the implementation of the noble mission of saving animals. Contact us and will discuss the details.


We are young and ambitious community, we have a large team and huge amount of ideas. We are tired of scam inu projects. We are looking for cooperation with honest people. We are looking to attract investments in to our project and are ready to consider your investment proposal on individual terms.

Contact us


With the advantage of new partners, we will definitely replenish this section.

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